Friday, September 10, 2010

My Dancing baby

Today I got my official scan report after completion of 12 weeks (3 months) and it showed a happily moving baby with regular growth. For a moment I saw her upside down and then moving around as if she is really happy doing sommersaults inside her home. (Yeah.... Im officially calling my baby 'she' until I get to know otherwise.

She is now 5.5 cms in length and by the time the doctor clicked her pics, she was again doing sommer saults.. My doc did not get a clear shot let me tell you !!!!In my opinion this child of mine is going to be a real active one..Either an athlete or a dancer...Pray that she doesnt dance like her Dad !!!!
Hope she is good in Maths like her dad and not like me :))


  1. just 5.5cm ..??not even the length of ma index finger .....and no worries the child will be like her uncles ( kuttu and kichu ) ......

  2. Ha Ha Ha ...just imagine him /her being 6 ft... God!!!!!!
